Home » Various Yorkshire Terrier facts

Various Yorkshire Terrier facts

by factsguy71

The Yorkshire Terrier (often shortened as Yorkie) is one of the smallest dog breeds of the terrier type and indeed of any dog breed. The breed developed during the 19th century in Yorkshire, England.

Ideally its maximum size is 7 pounds (3.2 kg). A popular companion dog, the Yorkshire Terrier has also been part of the development of other breeds, such as the Silky Terrier.

Most have a black and tan coat, but they are also known to have a silver-grey or a blonde coat.

Yorkshire terriers are playful and energetic dogs.


Life span: 13 – 16 years
Hypoallergenic: Yes
Colors: Black & Gold, Blue & Tan, Black & Tan, Blue & Gold
Height: 18 – 23 cm (Male, Adult, At Shoulder)
Temperament: Intelligent, Bold, Independent, Confident, Courageous
Origin: England
Weight: 4 to 7 lbs


Yorkshire Terrier is also known as Yorkie.
Yorkshire Terrier is small type of terrier that belongs to the group of toy breeds.
Yorkshire Terrier was created during the mid 1800s in Scotland.
Yorkshire Terrier was created by mixing different types of terriers.
Yorkshire Terrier was used to eliminate rodents from the coal mines and textile mills.
Yorkshire Terrier can reach 8 to 9 inches in height.
Yorkshire Terrier can reach 4 to 6 pounds of weight.
Yorkshire Terrier has long, silky coat that is gray, black and tan-colored.
One personality trait of a Yorkshire Terrier is that they bark a lot.
Yorkshire Terrier is the Sixth Most Popular Breed of Dog in the United States
Yorkshire Terrier hair needs to be combed each day.

Yorkshire Terrier gives birth from 3 to 5 puppies.
Yorkshire Terrier has an average lifespan of 13 to 16 years.
Yorkshire Terriers Are Easy to Train.
Yorkshire Terrier will have two sets of teeth in a lifetime.
A Yorkshire Terrier will usually have 42 adult teeth.
Yorkshire Terriers are prone to a large number of genetic defects.
Yorkshire Terrier Were Introduced to North America in 1872.
The Smallest Recorded Dog in History Was a Yorkshire Terrier.
Yorkshire Terrier named Smokey was a hero during the WWII.

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