Home » Various Bitcoin facts

Various Bitcoin facts

by factsguy71

In this article we give you some facts about Bitcoin


Satoshi Nakamoto is the fictitious name of the Bitcoin creator or even the creators – no one knows.

Nakamoto is believed to own around 1 million Bitcoins

There is a finite number of bitcoins, 21,000,000.

Bitcoin is illegal in various countries including Vietnam, Bolivia, Kyrgyzstan, Iceland, Ecuador, Bangladesh and Thailand.

Virgin Galactic, theoretical space travel adventure club accepts Bitcoins. Bitcoin value multiplied 879,999 times from 2010 to 2017.

There are over 1000 Bitcoin ATMs worldwide, in 55 countries by 21 ATM producers and 231 operators.

Bitcoins generated as a reward for mining halves every 4 years until all Bitcoins are fully mined.

By July 2017, 16.4 million Bitcoins were in circulation.

64% of Bitcoins have never been used and might never be used.

In May 2010, 10,000 Bitcoins would get you two Pizzas.

Refunds are not possible on Bitcoin transactions

Bitcoin transactions are measured in Satoshi/byte. 1 Satoshi = 0.00000001 Bitcoin.

90% of all Bitcoin addresses have little or no real value at all.

The 21 million Bitcoin limit is expected to expire in 2140.

All data from Bitcoin transactions are transparent and can be seen on Blockchain.

The first Bitcoin-ATM was installed in the Canadian city of Vancouver. Unlike conventional currency, Bitcoins are based on mathematics and are decentralized.

The first big Bitcoin acquisition was worth $11.5 million for 126,315 Bitcoins.

Potential annual savings for banks utilizing blockchain technology is $8-12 million.

1% of the Bitcoin community controls 99% of the world’s wealth.

Chinese mining pools control more than 70% of the Bitcoin network’s collective hashrate

Roger Ver (52 million Bitcoins), Charlie Shrem (45 million Bitcoins) and Dave Carlson (35 million Bitcoins) are some of the Bitcoin millionaires today.

University of Nicosia, Cyprus, was the first university to accept Bitcoins to pay for academic fees.

A person by the name Nakowa won 11,000 Bitcoins worth $1.3M back in 2013 on a gambling site.

A new block of coins is “solved” every ten minutes which leads to about 6 new discoveries of Bitcoins per hour.

17 million Bitcoins are expected to be in use in 10 years.

The Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) owns 1.5% of the world’s Bitcoins.

Bitcoin has value added tax (VAT) exemption on Belgium.

In 2016, someone accidentally sent $137,000 worth of Bitcoins instead of $5 with no way to get it back.
