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Interesting facts about camels

by factsguy71


They live in the desert areas of Africa and Asia.
There are 3 types of camel.
Dromedary has one hump, and Bactrian has two humps.
The one-humped dromedary makes up 94% of the world’s camel population.
The Wild Bactrian camel is a separate species and is now critically endangered.
The Wild Bactrian is not a subspecies of the Domestic Bactrian.
Sand is not a problem for the camel nose as they can shut their nostrils during sand storms.
The fur on camel ears keeps dust and sand away from their stirrups.
Dromedary Camels can reach 7 feet in height.
Bactrian camels can be a foot taller.
Camels can weigh up to 1500 pounds.
Most camels surviving today are domesticated.
Their eyes have three eyelids and two rows of eyelashes that stop sand entering their eyes.
Camel can move easily across the sand because of its specially designed feet.
Camels are mostly famous for their humps which actually store fat.

Camel diets consist mainly of grasses, leaves, and twigs which they get off of shrubs and trees.
A camel can go without water for up to six or seven months.
They can drink up to 40 gallons of water at once.
Camels can run up to 40 miles per hour.
Camel’s milk is healthier than cow’s milk because it contains less fat.
a nomad can live on only camel milk for almost a month.
Camels live 40-50 years.
The word ‘camel’ comes from an Arabic word which means beauty.
There are more than 14 million camels in the world.
A camel coat reflects the sun.
The only time you will see a camel without a hump is when it is first born.
Desert tribes and Mongolian nomads use camel hair for tents, yurts, clothing, bedding and accessories.
They provide food in the form of meat and milk.
Approximately 3.3 million camels and camelids are slaughtered each year for meat worldwide.
Camel meat has been eaten for centuries.
Around 700,000 dromedary camels are now feral in Australia.
Camels can carry about 170-270 kgs on their backs.
Inside a camel’s stomach there are three chambers.
Camels like staying together into groups called herds.
The pregnancy of female camels lasts for 12-14 months.
Baby camels are called calves.
A newborn calf can walk within 30 minutes of being born.


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