Home » Fascinating facts about the cheetah

Fascinating facts about the cheetah

by factsguy71

The cheetah is a large cat native to Africa and central Iran. It is the fastest land animal, estimated to be capable of running at 50 to 80 mph, and as such has several adaptations for speed, including a light build, long thin legs and a long tail. It typically reaches 67–94 cm at the shoulder.

Adults weigh between 20 and 65 kg. Its head is small, rounded, and has a short snout and black tear-like facial streaks. The coat is typically tawny to creamy white or pale buff and is mostly covered with evenly spaced, solid black spots.

The cheetah is active mainly during the day and hunting is its major preoccupation, with peaks during dawn and dusk. It feeds on small- to medium-sized prey such as impala, springbok and Thomson’s gazelles. The cheetah will typically stalk its prey to within 70 m , charge towards it, trip it during the chase and bite its throat to suffocate it to death.

The cheetah occurs in a variety of habitats such as savannahs in the Serengeti, arid mountain ranges in the Sahara and hilly desert terrain in Iran.

Cheetah facts

The average cheetah has approximately 2,000 spots.

Cheetahs generally weigh between 80 up to 145 lbs.

A cheetah’s average life span lasts from 10-12 years.

The typical cheetah grows up to 3 feet tall.

The cheetah is the fastest land animal.

Cheetah’s can run at a speed of 70 miles per hour.

They can accelerate from 0 to 60 mph in just 3 seconds.

On average a cheetah tails measures from 25 to 33 inches long.

Male cheetahs normally live in groups with their siblings.

Cheetahs can breed at any time of the year.

Female gives birth of 3 to 5 cubs weighing only five to ten ounces.

The cubs spend their first weeks of their life in the den.

Cub mortality rate is 90%.

Average lifespan of cheetah in the wild in 12 years.

Average lifespan of cheetah is 17 years in captivity.

Cheetah is the only cat which cannot roar.

The cheetah is not a good tree climber.

Cheetahs are active during the day.

The biggest population of cheetah lives in Africa.

Cheetahs can be also found in Asia.

There are only 250 Asian based cheetahs in the wild.

Cheetahs feed strictly on meat.

Male cheetahs hunt together in groups called coalitions.

Cheetah cubs start eating meat as early as 3 weeks old.

An adult cheetah needs about 2.8 kilograms of meat per day.

Cheetahs sleep around 12 hours per day.

There are four subspecies of cheetah.


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