Home » Facts about George Washington

Facts about George Washington

by factsguy71


George Washington died on December 14th, 1779
Washington spent the early part of his career as a professional surveyor.
George Washington married widow Martha Dandridge on January 6th, 1759.
He did not chop down his father’s tree.
Washington was one of five presidents who boasted red hair.
George Washington was the first elected President of the United States of America.
George Washington was the President for eight years between 1789 and 1797.
Washington’s hair was real.
He powdered his hair to make it white.
Washington is the only sitting American president to lead his troops into battle.
Washington was made an honorary citizen of France.

Washington had to borrow money so that he could afford to attend his own inauguration.
George Washington’s second inaugural address was the shortest one ever given by any president.
Washington was the only president to receive 100% of the electoral votes.
Washington was a breeder of hunting hounds.
He owned more than thirty dogs.
Washington helped draft The United States Constitution.
He was the first to sign the U.S. Constitution.
George Washington was one of the 39 delegates who signed the original United States Constitution.
Washington was one of the richest president in U.S. history.
George Washington was the only president who did not belong to a political party.
Washington was the only president to never live in the White House.
Washington’s presidential salary was 2 percent of the total U.S. budget.
Washington’s teeth were not wooden.
George Washington is the highest-ranked military official in the United States.
George Washington was a major in the Virginia militia
George Washington won the battle known as the Siege of Yorktown in 1781
The United States Navy was created in 1794 by George Washington
The Washington Monument was built to commemorate George Washington,
Washington was buried at Mount Vernon.
Washington owned a distillery at Mount Vernon.
Washington owned 50,000 acres in Virginia and West Virginia.
Washington suffered from numerous illnesses
These include diphtheria, tuberculosis, smallpox, dysentery, malaria, carbuncle and pneumonia.


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