Home » Facts about Airedale Terrier

Facts about Airedale Terrier

by factsguy71

In this article we present you some facts about the Airedale Terrier.

Airedale Terrier Facts

This the largest type of terrier in the world. This has also led it to get the nickname of the “The King of Terriers”
Airedale Terrier was created 150 years ago by mixing Welsh Terrier (also known as a Old English Black and Tan Terrier) and an Otter Hound.
The Airedale Terrier was brought to America in 1881.
This breed was recognized by the American Kennel Club in 1888 and the United Kennel Club in 1914.

Airedale Terrier can reach 23 inches in height and it can also reach about 40 to 65 pounds of weight.
The Airedale Terrier has a thick double coat that is waterproof, coarse and wiry.
There coat is usually tan with black and reddish markings.
It is named after the Valley of Aire in Yorkshire in the United Kingdom.
The Airedale Terrier is friendly, adaptable, playful and loyal dog.
An Airedale Terrier is an excellent watchdog that loudly barks when it detects strangers that are at the door of your property.

It is a very active dog and requires regular daily walks and plenty of exercise. Ideal for joggers and runners.
This dog should be brushed once or twice per week.
This dog breed gives birth of around 8 puppies on average.
It has an average lifespan of 10 to 13 years.
This breed was actually designed to hunt rats, otters and other small animals.
In Britain this breed has also been used as a war dog, guide dog and police dog. This breed was actually used as police and search-and-rescue dog before it was eventually replaced with the German Shepherd which is still used nowadays.

There have been various Presidents of the United States of America that have owned Airedales – these were Theodore Roosevelt, Calvin Coolidge, and Warren Harding.
U.S. President Warren G. Harding Airedale Terrier was called Laddie Boy and became the “first celebrity White House pet”. President Harding even had a chair for him to sit on at very important Cabinet meetings.
In the 1920s, the Airedale became the most popular breed in the USA. It is currently about 20th in the list.
John Wayne owned an Airedale called Duke, in fact this is where he got his legendary nickname from.
Like many dogs this breed is prone to medical issues such as hip dysplasia, allergies, progressive retinal atrophy and hypothyroidism.


airedale terrier lying down

airedale terrier image

@maigrove via Twenty20


This is a small video we put together of some of the basic facts above


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