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Christopher Columbus facts

by factsguy71


Christopher Columbus was born in the Republic of Genoa, Italy.
His real name in Italian was Cristoforo Colombo.
His name in Spanish was Cristóbal Colón.
His parents were Susanna and Domenico Columbus.
Columbus’ had three brothers called Bartolomeo, Giovanni Pellegrino, and Giacomo.
He also had a sister called Bianchinetta.
Columbus studied cartography, mathematics, astronomy, and navigation.
Columbus is often referred to as the “Father of the New World.”
Columbus had two sons by two different women.
Before his famous voyages he used to sell maps and charts.

Columbus landed near the coast of the Bahamas.
Columbus renamed it San Salvador Island.
Columbus believed that he had reached the Indies.
Columbus made a total of four trips across the Atlantic Ocean.
Three countries refused to fund Columbus’ voyage: Portugal, England, and France.
Queen Isabella and King Ferdinand of Spain decided to help fund and pay for the trip.
Columbus launched the ships named the Nina, the Pinta, and the Santa Maria.
Columbus died on May 20, 1506 at the court in Valladolid, Spain.
He also sailed around most of Hispaniola and explored the sides of Jamaica and Cuba.
Evidence suggests Columbus and his crew brought back syphilis to the Old World.
He is believed to have instigated the slave trade.
In the United States, October 12 is called Columbus Day.
Christopher Columbus did not discover America.
Christopher Columbus introduced horses into the New World.
Columbus became the first European to see the coast of South America.
Columbus favorite ship was the Nina.
Columbus’ first voyage took about 43 days.
On his first voyage his flagship ran aground and sank.
On August 23, 1500 Columbus was arrested in Hispañola for cruelty to natives and Spaniards.
He was released on December 12, 1500, and taken to court.
On his third voyage he explored part of South America, Tobago and Grenada.
On his fourth voyage he explored the coast of Central America from Belize to Panama.



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