Home » American Shorthair facts

American Shorthair facts

by factsguy71

The American Shorthair (ASH) is a breed of domestic cat believed to be descended from European cats brought to North America by early settlers to protect valuable cargo from mice and rats. According to the Cat Fanciers’ Association, in 2020, it was the eighth most popular pedigreed cat in the world.

Here is an image of this breed of cat

List of facts

American Shorthair is a medium to large cat.
American Shorthair was created from cats that were brought to the USA by settlers at the beginning of the 17th century.
Shorthair cats were used to keep population of rodents on the ships under control.
American Shorthair was initially known as Domestic Shorthair.
American Shorthair is one of the first five officially recognized cat breeds.
American Shorthair is the 7th most popular cat in the USA today.
American Shorthair can reach 8 to 12 pounds of weight.
The American Shorthair has a large, powerfully-built body


They have round faces and short ears.
American Shorthair is available in more than 60 colors and various patterns.
The Coat can be pure white, silver, cream, blue, reddish, golden, brown or black, or two- and tri-colored.
The most popular color is silver.
American Shorthair gives birth to 5 to 6 kittens on average.
American Shorthair has an average lifespan of 15 to 20 years.
American Shorthair sheds moderately and it needs to be brushed few times per week.
American Shorthair eyes can be blue, green, hazel, copper or gold-colored.
American Shorthair can suffer from hypertrophic cardiomyopathy.
An American Shorthair kitten purchased from a breeder can cost from $1000 – $1500 or more.


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